Buyer’s Commitment to Fair and Ethical Conduct
Buyer is committed to conducting its business fairly, impartially, ethically and in a proper manner, including in making its procurement decisions.
Tropical Assemblies, Inc. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) is published on Buyer’s website under “Code of Conduct”. Among other provisions of the Code, Buyer requires its employees to timely disclose any situations where family members, close personal friends, or former Buyer employees could bias, or appear to bias, Buyer’s business decisions, including those relating to procurement.
The Code also provides that Buyer’s employees may accept only nominal (less than $25) value gifts (e.g advertising items such as pens, pencils or hats), entertainment or other items from suppliers or potential suppliers.
Seller’s Conduct
Seller is expected to conduct all of its business activities relating to Buyer in a manner that is fair, ethical and fully compliant with applicable laws.
Seller is encouraged to review and be familiar with Buyer’s Code referenced to above. Seller is expected to adopt (or intends to adopt in the near future) and maintain a code of conduct consistent with the provisions of Buyer’s Code.
In all of its activities relating to transactions with Buyer, Seller should comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, those relating to: – basic human rights, fair wages and non-discrimination in employment; – workplace safety; – environmental protection; – fair competition and antitrust; and – anti-corruption and anti-bribery (recognizing that Buyer is subject to both the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as well as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions).
Seller is expected to self monitor its compliance with the above-mentioned standards of conduct and to promptly notify Buyer in the event of any non-compliance or suspicion of non-compliance that could affect Seller’s activities with Buyer.
Contribution to Quality
All Tropical employees and suppliers/external providers are aware of:
• Their contribution to product or service conformity.
• Their contribution to product safety.
• The importance of ethical behavior.